Iceland Crossing

I strung together a 2 week and an approximate 350 mile crossing of Iceland from north to south in July of '23. From moonscape terrain, immense lava fields, the central highlands, roaring glacial rivers to the wonderful and popular Laugarvegur Trail, the route did not disappoint. Both the harsh and unpredictable weather and resupply options are the biggest challenges. Good practice and flexibility of navigation are required. A stout level of physical fitness not far behind too. Pack all the gear you think you will need, then add the warmest layers you have. The weather is that unpredictable. Experienced hikers will find this hike reasonably tough yet if one has the good fortune of weather travel could be swift. Either way, come prepared for the worst because that will most likely occur at some point. With such exposure across the whole island, especially the interior, a cruiser of a route can become frightening and incredibly tough. Huts dot the interior of Iceland, but the expansive distances in between can leave one super exposed in either the case of inclement weather or dreamy sunshine. In either case, the wind is probably howling.  With deeper research on undertaking such an explorative route, one realizes the myriad of options and routes across this isolated island in the north Atlantic. So many new ideas churned in the head as I traversed the island on foot. I could see myself bikepacking across the island. I could envision further routes from north to south and even longer ones east to west. The possibilities in Iceland to explore deeply the interior feel endless. Iceland sure does feel like one of the most picaresque places I have ever been.

If one is keen on reading my experience, click the link below.

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